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Herring salad with pineapple

Herring salad with pineapple

10-20 minutes
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Preparation time 15 min.
serves approx. 4

- 1 pack Herring corks in oil 220 g SEKO
- 1/4 fresh pineapple
- tinned corn (small package)
- 2-3 sticks of celery
- handful of pomegranate seeds
- handful of walnuts or other nuts
- 1/4 bunch coriander
- 1/2 lime
- black pepper to taste

1. Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise. Hollow out the middle and cut remaining flesh into small cubes. Add to a bowl.
2. Add the celery washed and chopped into small pieces.
3. Drain a small pack of corn from the brine and add to the rest of the ingredients.
4. Also add a handful of roasted walnuts and 3/4 of the packaging of SEKO Herring corks in oil.
5. Add pomegranate seeds, sprinkle with lime juice and herring brine (to taste), add chopped coriander leaves and gently mix.
6. Garnish with SEKO Herring corks, coriander and pomegranate.

Enjoy your meal!
