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Greek-style fish on potato pancakes

Greek-style fish on potato pancakes

30-40 minutes
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2 packs Mini fish in tomato sauce with carrot and onion 100 g SEKO
3 large potatoes
half tablespoon flour
quarter onion
1 egg
black pepper

Preparation method:
Peel the potatoes and grate them into a bowl on a fine grater. Tilt the bowl gently and set aside for about 5 minutes. In the meantime, drain the collecting water.
Add flour, finely grated onion, whole egg and two pinches of salt, combine well.
Pour oil on a hot pan. Put a dollop of the potato mass on the pan and spread it to make a fairly thin pancake.
Fry over medium heat until golden brown, turn to the other side.
Heat the fish product in a pot over low heat, spread on the pancakes.
