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Eggs stuffed with herring

Eggs stuffed with herring

30-40 minutes
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8 hard-boiled eggs
approx. 100 g herring fillet – Herring BARREL with dried herbs 550 g SEKO
approx. 180 g quark
4 tablespoons chopped chives
salt and pepper to taste
sprouts to serve


preparation method:
Peel the eggs, cut in half and take out the egg yolks with a spoon.
Chop the herring finely – the finer the better.
Crush the egg yolks with a fork.
In a bowl, mix together egg yolks, herring, quark and chives.
Season the stuffing to taste with salt and pepper.
Put the stuffing into the eggs halves.
Sprinkle the top with sprouts and a coarsely ground pepper.
